Dr. Anne-Marie Chang, a partner neuroscientist in BWH’s Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders who was a co-creator on the study, told that they know from past work that light from screens at night modifies sleepiness and readiness, and represses melatonin levels. This study shows complete aftereffects of an immediate correlation between perusing with a light-discharging device and perusing a printed book and the outcomes on sleep.
If you would prefer not to feel like a zombie amid the day, the discoveries are clear: read a real, printed book if you must encourage your brain before bed. Chang said that rest lack – not sufficiently getting sleep or acquiring low quality rest — has been connected to other wellbeing issues, for example, corpulence, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Chang also said that constant suppression of melatonin has likewise been connected with expanded danger of specific tumors. Evidently, sleep has its own advantages, so reducing your sleep is a terrible thought at any rate.
The study analyzed 12 members who read on an iPad for four hours prior to bed for five days in a row, a procedure that was rehashed with printed books. For some, the request was switched: They began with printed books and moved to iPads. iPad readers took more time to sleep, felt less tired around at night and had shorter REM sleep contrasted with the book readers.


1. Radiation Can B Harmful
Yes, there are a still a lot of questions about cell phone radiation and how it is affecting you, even after you discontinue use of your mobile device. There’s a lot we don’t know, but one thing we do know from a 2008 study is that “people exposed to mobile radiation for three hours before going to sleep had more trouble falling into and staying in a deep sleep. “If you aren’t sleeping well, you’re waking up exhausted and you have a hard time drifting off to a blissful state of rest, this could be why.
2. You’ll Experience Later Bedtimes
Often unintentionally, if you use your mobile device or iPad in bed you will end up going to sleep later, and therefore sleeping less. It’s happened to all of us…you get wrapped in an article or on a website or on Facebook and before you know it hours have gone by. Or perhaps you read something disturbing and you can’t stop thinking about it for hours. No matter how it happens, cell phone use in bed leads to later bedtimes and a poor night of sleep. You’re better off finding a new way (device-free) to wind down before bed.
3. The Blue Light Before Bed Could be Affecting your Sleep Cycle
It seems so harmless. You’re just checking your email. You’re only glancing at Instagram for a few minutes. You’re simply leaving your phone nearby in case you need it…but those innocent actions could be doing damage as the electronic screen’s light could actually be messing with your body’s internal clock. The bright screen (if left on) can emit a light that’s bright enough to make you think it’s daytime, which makes this blue light before bed a terrible idea. It can impact your hormone levels and your brain’s ability to go into nighttime mode.

4. You’ll be Tense, Even in Your Sleep
In order to truly rest your mind and body while you sleep, you need to relax and disconnect from everything that stresses you out during your day. With your cell phone near by, and with your email the last thing you see/think about before bed, you’ll be tense and on guard, even while you sleep. As Huff Post reports, according to sleep expert Dr. Neil Stanley, “in order to get a good night’s sleep, you have to feel safe and not worried about anything. By having your phone close by at night, you’re subconsciously saying you wish to attend to that phone. The brain will monitor the situation and your sleep will be lighter and more likely to be disturbed.”
5. You Can be Disturbed in the Middle of the Night
Your best friend in Paris just wants to say hi when she wakes up in the morning, but her text at 8am will wake you up at 2am, and it might be nearly impossible to get back to your sleep cycle after that wakeup call. In addition, if you wake up to the buzz of unread emails you will lie awake feeling guilt over not answering a client’s question or your boss’s request. In order to do your job well during the day, you need to ensure you sleep well at night. And with a cell phone near by todisrupt your rest every 5 minutes, a good night’s sleep is basically impossible.
6. You Will Feel Hung-Over the Next Day
No, seriously. When you read an iPad in bed before sleep, even if you didn’t touch that bottle of wine, you may wake up feeling a bit beat-up if you used your gadget late at night before bed. Why? Russell Johnson, assistant professor of management at Michigan State University, explains that “because [Smartphones] keep us mentally engaged late into the evening, they make it hard to detach from work so we can relax and fall asleep.” That results in a poor night of sleep, not nearly enough rest, and us waking up feeling like we were hit by a truck. And when we don’t rest at night, we are not nearly as productive during the day.
7. You Could Wake Up With No Battery Left
Raise your hand if you have fallen asleep with your phone in your hand, only to forget to charge it at all overnight. You wake up with a cramp in your arm from sleeping in a funny position and your battery capacity is down to 2%. And you have about 20 minutes to get ready for work. It’s an unnecessary source of stress during an already stressful part of your day. Put your phone away before bed, plug it in and turn it off, seal the lid on your day and go to sleep.
8. The Health Risks of Cell Phone Use is Unclear
First of all, we’re not claiming that using your cell phone is going to give you cancer. We spend 65% of our day with a cell phone next to our head so let’s all hope that speculation is far from the truth. But in 2011 the World Health Organization did warn that mobile phone usage may be possibly carcinogenic to humans due to the exposure to radiation. Camille Chatterjee, Deputy Editor ofHealth Magazine, argues that “if you’re at all worried about the possible cancer risk…definitely don’t sleep with the phone next to your head.”
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Nowadays less people are choosing to sleep naked and they know the benefits very well. But as technology improves, science has finally certified that sleeping naked can be the best thing you’ve done to yourself. Many research studies showed that sleeping without clothes has more health benefits than it is well known.

Sleeping Naked
Below we are giving some scientific reasons why sleeping naked is better for you.
Better Sleep
One found that people who have difficulty with falling asleep usually have a higher body temperature.
Your body must be cooled to a certain temperature and certain environmental conditions in the bed helps for sleeping too.
Sleeping naked in a room temperature from 15 to 20 degrees will solve your problem and make your dream better.
It is More Useful for Genitals
Genitals are constantly covered with any fabric. Depending on from what the underwear is made, the genitals are not able to “breathe”. Therefore, do not wear any clothes. Thus, the bodies will have more air flow.
Improves the Metabolism
Sleeping naked removes abdominal fat, because it balances the secretion of cortisol in the body, which is a stress hormone.
It is more useful to sleep naked at a lower temperature in the room, but well covered. In this way the blood sugar decreases naturally.
Sleeping well enough is also important, otherwise cortisol won’t fall to the required level, and it will burden the body with constant stress.
Also, sleeping naked at a lower temperature reduces the risk of diabetes, therefore your body works on more intensive heating and discharge heat, which is actually a faster fat burning.
You Will feel seductively
Studies have shown that sleeping naked with your partner, or touching your naked bodies during sleep, resulting with an increased release of “love hormone” oxytocin.

The hormone is released more with the touch of skin and it has positively influence with the reduction of stress and depression.
Other studies have shown that sleeping naked with your partner resulting with increased physical and emotional intimacy between couples, leading to a happier relationship.
More Confidence and Energy
If you sleep well you can have both of these effects during the day. Lack of sleep can cause side effects of that. So, try to sleep as long as you can because you need that energy during the day.
How to improve circulation
If you wear less clothes while sleeping, you won’t have discomfort, tension and back pain. Tight elastic clothes or bang should be avoided, so the body can be relaxed and feeling comfortable.
One research showed that when people who had problems with sleeping and insomnia slept naked, had better results.
Relieves Toxins
Sleeping on cooler temperature without clothes that would damp your skin, reduces the spread of bacteria that usually spreads in a warm environment. This allows natural ventilation of the body which also helps to discharge the toxins.
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HIV is a destructive virus that can turn into AIDS and have serious consequences to your health. There is still no cure for it, however, there are many symptoms that can tell you if you have contracted HIV. They are different and may not be visible years after you have been infected. Usually, HIV runs through the body fluids, like blood, semen, vaginal fluid etc.

There is a quick and simple test to check if you contracted this virus, and here are some signs that could tell you that you should consider taking it:


1. Sore Throat – It is a very early sign since the body reacts quickly to viruses. Sore throat may also appear in the later stages of this disease when the virus attacks your immune system. Esophagus and ulcers can be a common cause of sore throat. If you get really serious problems with your throat do not hesitate to check with your doctor.
2. Coughing – Along with the sore throat, you may experience constant and dry cough. It can be an early symptom or it can appear later when the immune system gets impaired by the virus.
3. Pneumonia – This illness may be the result of the coughing and losing your weight because the virus attacks your immunity.
4. The Lymph Nodes Might Get Swollen – It is a common early sign since the lymph nodes run through all of your body and any abnormal swelling may signify that you have HIV. Your lymph nodes usually get swollen under your arms, your neck and your groins. Most often this happens when the body tries to fight infections after your immune system gets damaged.
5. Fever – This symptom appears very early. You may feel like you are catching the flu, however, this fever cannot be treated with the usual medications since it does not react to them. It can reach up to 120F.
6. Headaches – Along with the fever there are the headaches. You may experience constant headaches which could turn into unbearable migraines.
7. Joint and Muscle Pain – It is not unusual you start feeling pain in your joints and muscles after you catch the virus. It can be due to rheumatic illness or because your lymph nodes would swell. You will feel inflammation in your muscles and your joints which can cause fibromyalgia, vasculitis, and arthritis.

8. Weight Loss – As the disease progresses you will get some symptoms of the flu like get nauseous, start to vomit and get diarrhea. All these can make you lose weight and in the advanced stages of the disease you may develop a condition called “AIDS wasting”.
9. Yeast Infection – It has been established already that the virus attacks your immune system and that leads to exposing your organism to numerous infections and bacteria. You may get vaginal infections or your intestines might get infected. Infections in the mouth and Candida are very common.
10. Fatigue – You may feel extremely tired and resting does not seem to help if you have the virus. It is commonly associated with the flu symptoms you would feel in the early stages. It occurs as an early symptom and once it passes it does not appear until AIDS develops.
11. Rashes – You will definitely get rashes on your skin which can turn into blisters. The rash may appear on any part of your skin and they look red, inflamed, peeled and they are itching.
12. Sweating During the Night – Even though a person with HIV may go to sleep at night feeling good, the temperature of the body may constantly switch from very cold to very hot in a short amount of time. The body responds to this by sweating in order to regulate its temperature. You may wake up soaking wet and in need to change your clothes.
13. Cold Sores – These are a result of the Herpes Simplex Virus. They can appear on the mouth, on the genitals and the rectum. Herpes may appear suddenly and constantly to people with HIV.
14. Getting Confused – You may lose the sense of orientation and get confused about things around you. You may even lose your motor skills. You will also not be able to concentrate. That can cause dementia in the advanced stages. The illness can make you feel anger and change your behavior.
15. Nail Changes – If you had contracted HIV, your nails will get thicker and will curve. You will also notice that they will start splitting, and losing their natural color. You will notice black or brown lines either vertically or horizontally.
16. Tingling and Weakness – You will feel your hands and feet numb and tingling. That means that your nerves are damaged by the virus.
17. Irregular Periods – You will get fewer periods and you will lose less blood. That may be because of the weight loss which comes with the illness.
18. None – The worst case scenario is if you do not have any of the usual symptoms which is very possible to happen. This can make the person with the virus unintentionally spread the disease.
You should always pay attention to the signs of your body to see if something is wrong with you. The HIV may be spread sharing needles, bodily fluids and sexual intercourse. Try not to get in direct contact with blood on broken and wounded skin. Also, it is very important to use protection during sexual intercourse in order to avoid contracting HIV. If you feel any of the symptoms immediately do an HIV test.
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Be sure to read this information on the gland that regulates all the body‘s metabolism, protein generates and controls the segregation of hormones.

If this hormone is not working properly many processes of your body will be altered, as your metabolism (to have a suitable body to your age and height), proper sleep and even have energy or not during the day is a process which is responsible this gland located in our throat.
Today cure your thyroid problem with these simple remedies which have left speechless scientific medicine.
It is a few basic tips that you can apply from now if you have been diagnosed with thyroid problems, we suggest that you inform an alternative or naturopathic doctor to guide you with these tips to keep your thyroid healthy.
Avoiding gluten: Currently there are entire aisles in supermarkets and pharmacies with foodstuffs “Gluten Free”, replacing these that you have in your usual diet and see improvements.

Use coconut oil: To cook starts preparing salads with this oil, which also help keep your healthy thyroid, also help increase your metabolism and lose weight. You can even drink a tablespoon a day.
 Eating sea vegetables: Algae are an excellent option when treating thyroid, if you do not have a supply that sells such products, eat once a week in a Japanese restaurant that usually these foods on their menu.
 Consume Vitamin A: This vitamin is great for maintaining healthy thyroid, looking vitamin supplements in capsules or drinks with this mineral.
It consumes all natural: All above tips must be accompanied by a diet rich in fiber and vegetables, avoiding processed foods and junk foods.
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Many of the experts we have reached concerning this fruit have all agreed on the same thing – this fruit is 100% safe and natural, and it can combat cancer. What is even better than that, this fruit is ten thousand times more effective than any regular method for curing cancer. Unfortunately for us all, this fruit, along with its benefits are hidden from the public eye. The reason for it is that if this fruit becomes commonly known, the pharmacies will no longer make money out of their medications.

This Fruit Was Hidden
The fruit we are talking about today is the guanabana or soursop. It grows on a long tree, and the fruit is big and sweet, which is why it is often included in a lot of pastries and drinks.

You can easily plant this tree in your back yard, and use the juice from it to prevent cancer! What you have to keep in mind here is that this fruit has no side effects whatsoever, unlike the chemotherapy. This juice is proven to be great in the fight against cancer as well as for other health issues.
The spectrum of antibiotics this fruit can cover is large – mostly because this fruit can kill all kinds of fungus and parasites. In addition to this, it can also help some nervous problems such as pressure, stress and depression.
Within the last 50 years more than 20 tests were made to prove the sole efficiency of cancer cells killing within more than 12 types of cancer, including breast, colon, pancreas, ovaries and prostate cancer. The amazing compounds in this fruit will literally stop the growth of cancer in your body, and it works even better than the chemo agent Adriamycin.
Finally, to sum up, the best part of it all is that the healthy cells which are in the body will remain intact, unlike the cancer cells, which will be completely destroyed and removed from the body, unlike the chemotherapy, where the healthy cells suffer as much as the sick cells do.
We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You. HLI
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There are plenty of chemical hair dyes on the market that can cover up gray hair, but many people prefer natural solutions.
If your hair is turning prematurely gray or you have a few gray strands that you wish to cover up, natural remedies may offer some ability to turn back the clock and turn your hair back to its natural color.

There are many topical solutions you can make right at home to help hide the effects of graying hair, but this one old fashioned remedy.
Peel about five potatoes and gather one cup of peels. You won’t need the potatoes themselves so feel free to use them for a meal or recipe. Pour two cups of cold water into a saucepan and add the potato peels. Bring it to a boil then lower the heat and simmer for five minutes.
Now take the saucepan off the stove and let it cool completely. Strain the liquid out and save the liquid.
Add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil to scent it and pour the cool mixture into a glass container with tight fitting lid. Use this as a hair rinse after shampooing your hair.
Shampoo as normal, rinse out the shampoo, then massage the potato peel water into the hair. Do not rinse it out. Dry and style your hair as normal.
So make it, try it and get rid of gray hair forever!
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 Losing your hair can be an embarrassing situation to go through, but it happens to million of people. While most of the people who lose their hair are over the age of 40, anyone can get bald spots and lose hair. You lose your hair from an illness, a bad diet, but- most of all–hair loss is hereditary. You can make your scalp grow hair back naturally by follow these simple tips.

What You Need:
  • Onion juice
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • 1 egg yolk
How To Use:
Prepare basic onion juice
Grate garlic cloves into a mass and add other ingredients.
Mix well and apply the mask on scalp with circular movements using only fingertips.
Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water and mild shampoo.
Garlic mixed with onion works great. Two vegetables stimulate blood flow to the scalp, nourishing the hair, and encouraging hair to grow and strengthen. It is an effective natural remedy for weakened hair. Garlic juice removes harmful toxins and prevents excessive hair loss. If you have dry hair or itchy scalp (provoked by dandruff), garlic extract applied on the scalp will give you relief from nasty symptoms.

Protein is full of a chemical called biotin, which helps your skin cells stay healthy and begin growing hair again. Biotin is great for healthy hair, skin and nails. At every meal, consume protein like eggs, peanut butter and nuts.
As strange as it sounds, massaging your head for just 10 minutes per day can provide your hair follicles the stimulation they need to really ramp up the production of new hair cells. The process is incredibly simple, too.
Take your favorite skin care oil (we recommend coconut) and apply a small amount to the tips of your fingers. Gently rub your scalp in circular motions, applying as much pressure as you are comfortable with.
The pressure from your fingers will help increase the blood circulation to your scalp, and help remove any toxins that have built up in that area.
Green tea can make your hair grow back naturally. Green tea lowers the levels of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, in your body. DHT is one on the main culprits to hair loss, so drinking tea can help your hair grow back in a natural way. Drink at least 24 oz. of green tea every day to help your scalp grow hair back.
We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You for Visiting Our Website. HLI
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